Arik Strauss | Duo

Line-up | Arik Strauss – Piano | Eli Magen – Bass


A recording summing up a lengthy collaboration between the two musicians.

1. Prelude in C minor – (Fredric Chopin) | How Deep is the Ocean – (Irvin Berlin)
2. Celia – (Bud Powell)
3. Longing – (Arik Strauss)
4. Waltz in A flat major – (Fredric Chopin) | Sleeping Bee – (Harold Arlen)
5. Medley in E flat:
Bouncing with Bud – (Bud Powell) | Stomping at the Savoy – (Chick Webb) | As Time Goes By – (Herman Hupfeld) | Tenderly – (Walter Gross)
6. Midnight Mood – (Joe Zawinul)

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